After so many of you asked for a membership option, we now offer everything from single classes through to unlimited classes every month
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Pricing & Memberships
We offer everything from drop in classes through to monthly unlimited classes​ to make sure your fitness journey with us is as flexible as possible and will fit your lifestyle.
12 Month Memberships
Flexi Memberships
Find the perfect membership to suit your needs and budget.
Save on classes, courses, events food, and drink, and join a unique community which supports each other to become stronger in mind and body.
If you want to commit to your physical and mental wellbeing for a year and save.
If you want to have complete flexibility over your membership month to month.
All the classes you love without the committment
A member should cancel their booking at least 12 hours in advance of the session to avoid being debited (£5) or losing their class drop-in pass.
Unlimited monthly members get 2 cancellations per payment cycle.
ALWAYS put yourself on a waitlist if you want to join a class. Things crop up all the time and we know people will need to cancel sessions from time to time. If you are not on the waitlist then you won't get in. If you're on the waitlist and a space comes available, our booking system will automatically add you to class up to 3 hours before class (so if your plans change, make sure you cancel your spot)
If you fail to show up for a class you are booked into you will lose your class credit if you are on class packs or 8 or 12 credits per month. If you are on the unlimited membership or two week trial, you will be debited £5 per class. This gets reset on the 1st day of your new payment cycle.