Whilst Sound Baths are becoming increasingly popular, many people still don’t understand the intricacies and magical benefits that a Sound Bath can bring. And, no, they don’t involve bubbles, but they do include sound vibration, relaxation, healing, ceremony and so much more…
In this blog, Shikira from Temples for the Soul dives into what you can expect at one of her healing Sound Baths under our Hangar.

“ Divine sound is the cause of all Manifestation. The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe”
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Everything emanates from sound, sound is a vibration, but everything resonates with sound.
Our thoughts have a vibrational pattern, our actions have a vibrational effect and impact through time, our words hold so much power and have a vibrational frequency that creates a sequence of events.
Through my Sound Bath sessions and Moon Ceremonies at Temples for the Soul, we learn to be conscious of our vibration, which means conscious of our thoughts, of our actions, what we speak and what we say, and we project with our voice. Having this awareness, this consciousness sets our vibration at a high frequency where we are able to live in harmony, balance, and access our own healing abilities.
A History of Sound Baths
The use of sound and vibration for healing dates back thousands of years and spans various cultures and civilizations.
For example, the Egyptians, indigenous cultures, Native Americans, Aboriginal Australian, Tibetan monks and African tribes knew the power of sound for healing and used chants and musical instruments in their healing practices.
Temples were designed to amplify sound, vocal tones used to treat ailments, and the awareness of the energetic body and its frequency was a natural consideration.
Over the years this ancient wisdom seems to have diminished. Now, years later, it’s finally finding its way back into the modern world. With scientific research revealing the profound effects that sound can have on health and wellbeing, what was once considered life’s necessity is finding its way back home.
What happens at a Temples for the Soul Sound Bath?
In Ancient India the power of sound is seen incorporated into Ayurveda and Yoga, this is where Temples for the Soul was inspired to help contribute to keeping the knowledge alive in the western world, offering healing sound baths and moon ceremonies infused with traditional Indian Yogic practices.
Here I teach that we have two bodies, our physical and our energetic. The energetic body is what connects us to everything. This is where we need to think in terms of frequency and vibration. Its profound effects contribute to everything. Yes, Everything! Its is the cause of all manifestation. Everything is energy.
Using instruments that are designed to produce musical tones known as Solfeggio
frequencies, I teach how to harness these properties through meditation to harmonise the body’s energy systems and activate its natural healing rhythms.
The sounds have a unique ability to help us effortlessly experience a range of different healing brain wave states. Each state holds the key to unique aspects of consciousness, from deep sleep to peak mental clarity.
At Temples for the Soul, I tailor each healing session to resonate perfectly with the energy available at that specific moment using the seasons, celestial line up, moon cycles and the Earth’s elements to help guide and dictate. When we harness these energies, we can do the work which leads us away from social conditioning and back to our true authentic selves, fully into alignment and harmony.
How it works
During a sound bath our energy body entrains with the frequency of the sounds produced by Sacred instruments, shifting our brains into deeper brainwave frequencies, deeper than perhaps what we would normally access in REM sleep.
From these brain waves we receive signals to the rest of our body which affect our entire nervous system, shifting us out of fight or flight mode and into rest and digest. This is the magical place where we can release tensions and allow harmonious vibrations to guide us as we tap into our inner wisdom, a place where we access our own innate natural healing capacity.
The effects of a sound bath on the human body is profound as sound travels through water 4 times faster than air. The body is made up of around 70% water. This means the sound vibrations can travel through us on a much deeper cellular level.
The Benefits of a Sound Bath
The subconscious brain becomes more accessible - we function day to day using mainly our thinking mind which makes up just 5% of the brain! Yes, that is correct! 95% is the subconscious!
Nourishes and resets the nervous system
Improves mental health
Clears energetic pathways in the body
Reduces stress and anxiety
Improves sleep
Deep restoration
Enhanced mental clarity
Creative insight
Brings peace, calm and tranquility
Lowers blood pressure, heart rate, chronic pain
Opens up pathways to transformations and expansion
Connects you to love, gratitude, purpose, empathy, forgiveness
Aligns mind, body and soul improving physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing
Some affirmations for you
During a sound bath I invite you to set an intention or affirmation for the session. This is something that you want to embody or feel during the sound bath and beyond. Here are some examples of powerful affirmations:
My Mind Body and Soul is filled with Unconditional Love, Wisdom and Power
With Every Breath, I invite Healing Vibrations into my Being
I Am Wisdom
I Am Powerful
I Am Divine and Connected
I Am Love
I Am Peace
I Am Aligned
I Am Healed
Om Shanti,
Shikira x
Follow Shikira on Instagram for event updates: @templesforthesoul